Get the app today!

The Scansation app is now available! Get it today and test the shopping experience of tomorrow!

Download Scansation on the App Store
Get Scansation on Google Play

How it works

Schematic illustration of the download of the Scansation app

Step 1

Download the Scansation app and start immediately without any registration.

After the download of the Scansation app a shop must be chosen.
After the download of the Scansation app a shop must be chosen.
Schematic illustration of the shop selection in the Scansation app

Step 2

Choose and enter a participating shop.

After the shop selection articles and products can be scanned with the Scansation app.
After the shop selection articles and products can be scanned with the Scansation app.
Schematic illustration of the barcode scanning of products with the Scansation app

Step 3

Scan product barcodes with the Scansation app.

After all products have been scanned the purchase can be completed.
After all products have been scanned the purchase can be completed.
Schematic illustration of the QR code in the Scansation app before the payment on a normal checkout

Step 4

Shoot your trolley and proceed with the shown QR code to the checkout.

The generated QR code can now be shown at the checkout.
The generated QR code can now be shown at the checkout.
Schematic illustration of the normal payment at a usual checkout

Step 5

At the checkout the QR code will be scanned and you can pay as usual.

Through your purchases we get to know your favourite products, even though you are really anonymous.
Through your purchases we get to know your favourite products, even though you are really anonymous.
Schematic representation of savings opportunities through personalized offers and coupons

Step 6

Receive new offers every week that are genuinely tailored to you.

Your gadgets

To keep your digital shopping companion always under control, here are a few gadget suggestions for you:


Your benefits

Remain anonymous

You don't need an account to use Scansation

Use as shopping list

Your shopping list ready to hand in your Scansation app

Avoid stress

You are able to pack your articles while shopping — without stress

Wait less time

Shopping without long waiting time at the checkout

Receive offers

You finally only get offers for your favourite products and save money in this way

Propose a shop!

Your favourite shop does not offer Scansation yet? Please send us name and address of the shop. We will get in contact with the shop owner if there is sufficient interest.

We would be happy to keep you in the loop if you send your name and mail contact details along with your request!